Diusframi Group and CEU San Pablo University renew their commitment to talent training

Aula CEU - Diusframi Group

On Wednesday, November 13, Juan Carlos Díaz, president of Grupo Diusframi, visited the CEU-Diusframi Classroom to learn about the progress made in this fruitful collaboration and to share impressions with students and professors. During his visit, he highlighted the positive impact of this initiative on the training of future professionals and reaffirmed the commitment of [...]

Diusframi Group moves towards equality with the registration of equality plans

At Diusframi Group we reaffirm our commitment to equality in the professional environment. This commitment is materialized in the development and registration of equality plans for all the companies that are part of the group. Last August we marked an important milestone by registering the first equality plan, corresponding to Intaremit, [...]

Diusframi Group participates in the Employment Forum of CEU San Pablo 2024

Last February 21st, the Human Resources team of Grupo Diusframi had the honor of representing our company at the Employment Forum of CEU San Pablo, an event that took place from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm. Our participation in this type of meetings with various institutions has as main objective [...]

Grupo Diusframi and Grupo Inmark sign strategic agreement

Grupo Diusframi and Grupo Inmark sign a strategic agreement to distribute our DClaims solution in Latin America Both companies join forces to boost their growth in Latin AmericaA few days ago a new alliance has emerged that looks optimistically at Latin America and identifies it as an interesting market for growth. This is the one signed by Grupo DClaims and [...]

Aula CEU-Diusframi: training the engineers of the future

CEU San Pablo University and Grupo Diusframi have signed a strategic agreement for the training of students at the Polytechnic School. Those in charge of signing this alliance were Juan Carlos Díaz, president of Grupo Diusframi, together with Rosa Visiedo and Carmen García de Elías, rector and manager of the University, respectively. Within the framework of this alliance, the Aula [...]

DiTech 2023 Event

On September 29th, Diusframi Group held a really interesting internal event: DiTech 2023, a window to innovation and excellence in the world of technology, where all the advances made in solutions for payment methods, cybersecurity and work processes in computer systems environments were shown. The IT departments, together with different [...]